حساب کاربری

حداقل 8 کاراکتر

Debsh Mag

Agrofood 2015

بارگیری (9)
Considering the valuable and important role of international exhibitions in the exchange of technical-commercial information and the familiarization of industrial owners, researchers and practitioners with the latest industrial and technological achievements of the world, and also in order to introduce ...
بارگیری (11)
The international conference and exhibition of tea will be held in Tehran for three days. This international conference and exhibition is a unique place for the activists of the tea industry in Iran to gain a lot of experience and ...
بارگیری (19)
The 11th specialized exhibition of food industry and the 8th specialized exhibition of raw materials, equipment and machinery for the bread, confectionery, chocolate and beverages industry were held from October 30th to November 3rd, 2012 at the International Exhibition Center ...
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